lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

"Screaming Shadows"

We are broken and damned
The ones beaten and forgotten.
We are the sacrificial lambs.
The ones soon to be forgotten.

We are waiting for something
We are left here with nothing.
We are so tired of waiting around
Till the day that you come back
To the ground.

We hate it when you have it all
We hate it when you fake a fall
Cuz you'll be screaming out our names
In the middle of the night and make
us feel insane.

Althought we were that kind
It seems that you never took the time
To listen to our trouble some stories
Maybe then you forget about worries.

You left us in the pouring rain
Yet we found comfort in the pain.
Just leave us here to our demise
Cuz we've had our fill of your lies.

We have tried to help you out
Yet you have filled us with this doubt.
Now we don't know if we ever can
Just fit into your little master plan.

2 comentarios:

  1. entre las sombras duermo
    y nunca despierto
    sera que no encuentro el camino
    o es que yo me pierdo sin no estoy contigo

    me gustaria que las sombras se fueran
    hacer luz para iluminar mi vida
    si pudiera hacer alquimia todo lo volviera oro
    para poder ver el brillo de tu vida

    espero despertar de este sueño
    y estar junto a tu lado
    juntos bajo la luz de la luna
    que nos bañe y nos ilumine en nuestro encanto

  2. Wao....GraXx por el comment! =3....EN serio me gustaria saber quien eres! gusta lo que escribes =3
