jueves, 26 de febrero de 2009

"My Darkness"

Hey There, do you hear me calling?? Do you hear me screaming your name?? I am getting an uncertain feeling that makes me feel a bit insane.

Let me walk into the darkness let me know just where your heart is. Do you prefer a life of madness to living your life in the darkness?

The Darkness that is slowly coming the darkness that is all consuming, the Darkness will give you comfort If you just give a little effort.

Call me crazy and call me mad But you got to know that i ain't sad To live our lives in the dark Cuz it won't make you feel so worthless.

It lets you know that life is real it gives you time to just heal from the bitterness and the fights that we go through in our own lives.

Though its cold and its better A least is different from the litter.
Its just simply misunderstood and in someways , I guess thats good.

From it many people run away and they don't ever dare to stay.
They hate it since they fear it cuz of everything that they are hearing.

I'm not here to just try and impose that this life of darkness is so good But i don't want you to simply dispose The life that you know you really Should.

4 comentarios:

  1. i just walk in circles
    trying to find my way
    just to get to that spot
    where everything is never wrong

    i didnt know much about joy or happiness
    i didnt know much about hope and fondness
    just trying to find that light
    that shine trought my heart

    i never hoped to be like this
    but everyone has a reazon to be in the world
    i found mine lying withit you
    im just trying to get closer so my hope grows stronger

  2. lei que quieres conocerme
    porque te gusta lo que escribo
    bueno tu ya me conoces y yo a ti
    aunque a veces tengo mis dudas sobre nuestra amistad
    aunque son razones vagas

    yo prefieron dejarlo asi quedarme incognito
    y cuando deje de estar aburrido te digo

    bye bye

  3. ..Hmm,bueno....respeto tu decision......pero....almenos podrias decirme....el por que tienes dudas sobre nuestra amistad??O.O...

  4. como dije son razones vagas
    como que ya casi no nos comunicamos
    pero hay mas razones y prefiero dejar todo en la oscuridad
